It should come as no surprise to anyone that robots played a large role in my childhood. Many of them have mysteriously vanished over time, but I've gathered a few together to show you today.

Before there was Wall-E there was the Dingbot from TOMY. I don't really know where it came from, it's been around as long as I can remember. He has a little motor that lets him drive around and sometimes turn in circles.

At least I still have this weird one that my dad brought back from Japan once. I think it's supposed to transform into a gargoyle or something. Kinda strange, I don't recognize it from anything but I honestly didn't watch the show very much.

Luckily there is a search engine for finding transformers based on color and alternate form. Apparently this is Grotusque, a hideous monsterbot that's always joking about how ugly he is. How about that.

As a special bonus, I finally got to see one of these R2-D2 mailboxes while I was in Chicago last weekend. Pretty cool.
Links and stuff
TOMY robots
Transformer search engine
Zoids Redler