As promised, I'm going to be posting an eclectic selection of random trinkets as I uncover them in my mess of a closet. I may eventually include more than one in a post, but for now I'll just start slow.

This may be the single greatest tool for adventuring the the world has ever seen. This is important, because I can't tell you how many hours I spent exploring the woods south of my neighborhood with my friends back in elementary school.

Every good adventurer knows that it's essential to have the right tools, and this thing had them all. Magnifying glass, compass, signal mirror, backup magnifying glass, and it even opened up into a pair of adjustable-focus binoculars. All this in a high-quality rugged plastic enclosure.

It took a little bit of searching because there's no branding on the product itself, but eventually I found the source. Apparently it's called the Optic Wonder(awesome!), and it's made by an Italian company called Navir. I guarantee you will want your kids to have one of these some day. It will be absolutely essential to their survival in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of the future.
Optic Wonder