Everyone has inspiration. It's an important part of developing your own signature style. Ask any designer who inspires them and they'll probably be able to produce a list on the spot. One of the most influential designers for me is Dieter Rams.

He originally studied architecture, but is most famous for the work he did as chief of design at Braun from 1961-1995. His designs are all clean and functional, with clear details that visually describe its operation. He has described his design philosophy with the phrase "Weniger, aber besser", which translates as "less, but better".
Dieter Rams 10 Principles of Good Design:
1. Good design is innovative.

2. Good design makes a product useful.

3. Good design is aesthetic.

4. Good design helps us to understand a product.

5. Good design is unobtrusive.

6. Good design is honest.

7. Good design is durable.

8. Good design is consequent to the last detail.

9. Good design is concerned with the environment.

10. Good design is as little design as possible.

Back to purity, back to simplicity.